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About Me

Welcome to my world!

My name is Jasmin and I am a blogger and a full-time learner in the world of marketing based in London. I write articles on Fashion, Lifestyle and Travel tidbits. With an idea of journaling (read: raw) experiences and expressing my thoughts on hyped (read: toasted) concepts, I created my happy space called Raw and Toasted blog.

Academics & Professional Life.

Academically, I majored in Business with Marketing and specialized in Business Analytics. I aim to work with brands who celebrate individuality and have a voice and way to connect to hearts. With an undying love for writing, I would be more than happy to work with individuals who seek to stand out in the crowd of masses.

Professionally, I have been successfully working my passion to create amazing content and marketing stories for the company I am with. I work as a freelance business consultant and promote diverse businesses in multiple industries through creative solutions.

Contact Me:

Love, Laughter and Sugar!
